The School System Needed a Way to Track, Order, Store, and Ship Single Quantity Items to Individual Students Within Their 26 Schools
With classes online and students at home, the schools turned to incentivized learning to keep students motivated and on track. Students have demonstrated increased participation, homework completion, and positive behaviors when they are incentivized with prizes. However, the logistics of getting prizes in students’ hands turned out to be a challenge.
The schools did not have the resources to stockpile boxes of school spirit wear and incentive items or, for that matter, the people to handle order fulfillment on a daily basis. The charter school system would need an easier way to track what gifts were being earned and ordered and have them picked and shipped individually.

Show Your Logo Listened and Understood The Problem Then Went To Work Creating an Individualized Program For Students To Redeem Points For Products
Our solution was to build an online custom school apparel store for the schools and they could utilize Show Your Logo fulfillment services to facilitate the orders. The Merit Mall was born to work in conjunction with their Student Recognition Program.
The school system wanted a seamless and easy way for students to navigate the online store. They also wanted the students to be as involved as possible, allowing them to sign in to the Merit Mall with a secure password and unlock logoed awards from their school as they earned points for their achievements. The student can shop for products based on their point values and pick out something they really liked. Upon checkout, the order is confirmed. Daily orders are sent via an online survey to each school’s designated contact(s) for approval which is done by simply clicking a button for each order. Once the orders are approved, they’re returned to Show Your Logo for fulfillment where our team then packs and ships the reward item(s) to the student.
The online Merit Mall encourages them to persevere in making good choices and offers students more reward options each time good choices are made. Schools are not limited to buying a few items in bulk. They now have many incentive items students can redeem from inside the online store as they earn points.
One of Show Your Logo’s dedicated sales team representatives assisted the charter school educators in selecting motivating prizes such as toy lightsabers, school spirit wear, and a stuffed unicorn that were quickly in high demand. As students earned more points, additional motivating options included earbuds, bluetooth speakers, and more. Show Your Logo facilitated the logistics of getting prizes in students’ hands, freeing up the invaluable time of teachers and administrators.
Show Your Logo Helped Merit Mall Incentivize Their Students & Streamline The Process
The charter school Merit Mall incentivized learning store has worked so well to save school staff countless hours and helped keep kids on track during the pandemic during at-home learning, school representatives have decided to continue the student recognition program in the Fall. Students are also able to stay excited about learning with school spirit wear and custom apparel.
Incentivized learning is a great motivator for students, but it also works for company employees. It’s a great way to drive loyalty and brand engagement while allowing companies to acknowledge and recognize employees’ efforts.